GREAT NEWS!!!! & Bunny Gets Chemo

Today we found out that the cancer has not spread to my lymph nodes. Your prayers and good energy is working so THANK YOU. We would not be able to do this without YOU all.
Now for the update: Bunny gets Chemo portion of our trip. Today was my first Chemo treatment and for you intellectual types the two drugs I am receiving are ALOXI a anti nausea drug DEXAMETHASONE to help reduce nausea, allergic reactions, swelling, etc CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE and DOXORUBICIN both are anti cancer drugs that stop cell growth and division. They were all administered via an IV. I did receive another drug via an injection to help my body produce more white blood cells. I don't remember the name of the drug.
Tom sat next to me for the 2 hour treatment and we watched part of a movie in small very comfy blue leather recliners. The movie was Madagascar on a personal DVD player both courtesy of our Earth Angels Bob and Charlene Allen. The time went by fairly fast. I feel pretty good except for this BS cold I picked up over the weekend. At first I thought "MAN" how much does God have to pile on me and then we got the good news about the nodes and I said bring it on BIG GUY keep giving us this good news and I can take what ever you send my way. Hey I have had some pretty nasty hang overs where I wished I was dead so what ever happens this has got to be a piece of cake.
Thank you again to all of you sending us love and support. Please keep in touch via email or phone and of course keep checking in for the next adventure for Bunny. My next chemo is 4/17/06.
With love and gratitude to all
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