Well, I pulled my big butt out of bed this morning and walked downtown across the Hawthorne Bridge to my client’s office. It was a fairly nice morning but still a little chilly. With my recent cold I thought it was best to keep my ears covered. So here I am a sad little chubby girl walking across the bridge at almost a stand still with my bright lime scarf around my head. I kept thinking I hope no one thinks I am Muslim. That’s bad of me I know but let’s face it, it is a tough time for a Muslim woman. Any who, once I got to the office I realized the soft fabric of my scarf created static and made my very short hair stand straight up. Oh yes did I look foxy if I do say so my darn self. That reminded me of the other day when we were in the doctors office we over heard a woman say Chemo is the anti vanity drug… well I believe that my friends. With every tingle of my scalp I think CRAP I am going to lose my hair. Yah, Yah, Yah some women don’t but shit my tumor was only a 10% chance it was cancer so I am not batting 1000 here. Tom and I are so F’N happy the cancer has not spread but if we get to re-vote we would vote no on all of this. In fact I want to know, did someone use those defective chads from Florida when we voted for my cancer. I demand a re-vote!!!!
I do feel better today than yesterday or the day before so that is always a good thing as Martha might say. If you want to know what this feels like I will share my inner secrets with you my close friends and family. IT SUCKS like a very long hang over that you know will not go away for 6 months or more, But I am ALIVE and that is all that matters.
Keep us in your prayers and think of Tom and me when you laugh. Laughter is the best medicine only second to love.
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