Bunny has the day off

I AM HAPPY TO REPORT, I DON’T FEEL LIKE CRAP. Saturday and so far this beautiful Palm Sunday morning I am feeling a strong 80% of normal and since I have never really been 100% normal, I will take what I can get.
As you can tell from my newest photo Bunny is taking some time off. My substitute helper is Baby Boy Cat. He is working very hard for me. He knows I need someone to lay with me while I nap and dang it regardless of how hard it is on him he will do anything for me or Tom. In fact we find him practicing his nap assisting technique every day for hours at a time. He is a real trooper and a great nap helper.
I do not have chemo again until the 17th so Tom is taking advantage of my improvement and heading to St. Louis next weekend to watch hockey, the Blues vs the Red Wings. So if any of you want to call or visit next weekend it would be greatly appreciated by us both. I can’t guarantee I will be 100% but I am always up for a visit or a call. They can make me feel like crap but they will NEVER make me feel like not talking.
Thank you again for all of your love
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