Angels are real - get ready this is a bit long
I started this blog so I could keep our friends and family updated on my progress with this stupid thing people like to call cancer. As time goes by I realize I keep this blog going so I can tell the stories of true Angels. First let me open with a joke... bare with me here and you will see where I am going.
There was this man who believed so strong in the Lord that when a flood was coming and a man in a truck came and said " get in or you will drown the flood is coming" The man said " no thank you my Lord will provide and save me". The flood waters came and the man was on his top floor of his home when a group in a boat floated by and said " get in the flood is here you are going to drown" the man said "no thank you my Lord will provide and save me". When the water forced the man to his roof a helicopter flew by and hovered and the group yelled " get in or you will drown" the man said "no thank you my Lord will provide and save me". The man drown and when he got to heaven he asked God why? What have I done to deserve this, you are my Lord you didn't provide and you didn't save me. God said what do you want from me I sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter.
Now for my story of Angels. The last few days have really sucked in fact I have felt in simple words really really crappy. So when Tom reminded me we had his company BBQ to go to I dreaded getting out of bed. In fact I was spread out across our bed crying. At first it was when I told my cat I loved him but that's another story. Then it was because I felt forsaken. From the beginning of this nightmare I thought, why me what have I done to deserve such a punishment, then I thought why has this challenge been given to me, then how can I make a difference and when will it be clear.. Yesterday Tom sat with me and rubbed my back as I cried and asked God to please show me a sign that all of this is for something. In fact I prayed that if the crappy gets worse with each Chemo how will I be able to deal with it. I prayed for God to show me a sign, anything.
We had to be at the BBQ by 4:30 so until 3:50 I lay in bed wondering how the hell this was going to work. So off we went to his bosses’ home for a co-worker gathering for what I thought was kind and generous show of support for Tom. What I didn't know was these kind people who work with Tom at Horizon Air had organized a garage sale and were giving us the proceeds. Crazy you say well it is true. His co-workers in several departments worked on this for the last month gathering stuff to sell to help us. As they handed me this gift box with a card I thought how nice they were having a BBQ and giving me a gift.. what I couldn’t believe was the gift was just under 1200.00. To be exact it was 1172.92.. YES !!!! It’s crazy isn’t it. How do you thank a group of people who would do this kind thing for you?.. I don’t know how to begin.
So you say what the hell does this have to do with anything. Well I keep asking God to show me a sign. I don’t know how many more times he will show me before he gets mad at me for not listening. Our Guardian Angels walk with us everyday and we have no clue. They are people like Julia, Michelle, Tracy, Shane, Whitney, Mary, Chong and all of the kind and wonderful people who work at Horizon Air. (I am sorry to those I didn’t name) How do you thank Angels, I don’t know. But I do know I am getting in that TRUCK……….. God doesn’t have to tell me anymore that we are loved and he will provide. I now know the reason for this. It is to tell the world there are Angels and a group of them work at Horizon Air. (Ironic huh? Angels fly.. get it?)
Thank you to all of the people at Horizon Air
Bless you all with good health and happiness
PS: I found a nickel in the elevator on the way up to the apartment so the total is 1172.97. How’s that for Angels at work?
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