Bunny has lost some ear!

It’s true! Bunny is back from the spa and is happy to report feeling very relaxed and healthy. The bad news is and to Bunny's surprise, he has begun to lose some ear. He is not sad because the doctors tell him the hair loss shows the chemo is working and that is the bottom line. For me, I too have begun to lose my hair. Mine unfortunately is not as cute and cuddly as our friend bunny. Mine is more on the lines of a drunk trying to complete a Wolly Willy Game after a long night on the town.

I am feeling strong, healthy, and happy so let me share a couple of really feel good stories with you that have happened in the last couple of days.
1. I was on bus #14 the other day. For those of you who do not know it runs right by our place and takes me within 1/2 block of my clients office. I try and walk everyday but for some reason on this day I got on the bus and was met by an angel. She made my day. The bus was full and I had to stand up close to her in fact just to her elbow. It was a tough day for me because it was the first day I had to wear a scarf. I officially looked liked a cancer patient. She and I chatted and I guess once she noticed my pink cancer pin she told me she lost her mother to cancer. I can't remember how we started. I told her mine was breast and she said " girl you are in luck because this morning I asked God to bless and heal all of my riders". I told her I was on the right bus and plus I met her. She told me how fabulous I looked, which my vanity needed to hear. I told her "Girl chemo can take my hair but it can't my style" and she tossed her hand up and said Hallelujah and laughed. Later that day on my way home I got her as the same driver when I got on the bus I said look who just happens to be and she said "Girl you know God doesn't do just happens". So I gave her my card and asked her to pray for me and of course she said she would be honored. Even on the bus God's love finds us.
2. You say how you can top a story like that? Well it's simple. As I stood in front of Tom crying yesterday after I brushed up a pile of my hair from my pillow and cried about my hair loss, my bald spots, my dry skin, fat ass, belly and hips, he told me I am beautiful. As I looked into his eyes I began to believe him. Now that's good medicine my friends.
Alright enough of this stuff here is some important info. On 5/15/06 I receive my last chemo treatment. On 5/14/06 there is a breast cancer walk sponsored by the American Cancer Society. I know it is mother’s day so no pressure to walk with us. Please check out their website and take a looky. http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=151078
If you are interested in getting out of the house for a couple of hours and want to come catch up with us and walk. We would love to have you. We will be walking and then meeting for a cold beer (me water you beer) somewhere. Now that sounds like a real mother’s day gift don’t you think? CALL me if you want to walk. Call me anyway I would love to hear from you all.
We love all of you and thank you a million times over for all of your support and prayers.
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