It’s official I have breast cancer.

On Monday the 17th I had my second treatment of chemo and by mid Tuesday morning my hair began to fall out. Not in an elegant way like you would think but in a crazy stupid way that no one is ever really prepared for . When I touched my hair it came out… like a chee- a -pet type thing but I don’t think it will grow back as quickly as the porky pig head on TV does. It hurts a little. It feels like I have goose bumps on my scalp and when I touch my hair the goose bumps are not tight enough to hold my hair in. I guess you could say I have loose goose syndrome. This is not the first time I may have been considered loose my friends hahahah.
What to do about the hair loss well at first I just didn’t touch it but to my surprise when I cleaned the couch with my lint brush from what I thought was cat hair I discovered it was my hair. Now I am as vane as the next person but I am also very lazy these days. The lazy side won this time so I decided to shave my head so I would not have to clean as much. This may win the lazy award. Crap my vanity isn’t doing me much good lately anyway so why not be lazy right?
Every day I feel like I have slight hang over so I eat something that will keep me from feeling crappy when I take my pills 4 times a day. Now you would think a nice healthy meal would do the trick but oh no my friends that would mean I would have to over come WHAT ? my laziness and cook. Instead I eat crap and just keep getting fatter because I am on steroids, lazy, and don’t feel like exercising. So with that said and to clear up any misunderstandings I am 40 years old, fat, 5”4” with a shaved head, lazy, white female who has thrown vanity out of the window for now and decided to wear my daily uniform of underwear and a t shirt and watch Perry Mason as much as I can. On the two days a week I do work I muster up enough “f” you attitude and get myself dressed in what some might say is decent and I walk my fat ass down town for a few hours. I really need to make me a shirt that says I AM NOT MUSLIM! I HAVE CANCER… My scarves are pretty but they are not the norm in this area and some might wonder about me. Do you think the Muslims will be offended by my t shirt. Come on of course they will. I have a wig but it itches since I still have some hair left. That is another kind of kick in my ass. I don’t have enough hair to look like a girl but too much hair to be able to wear my wig without feeling like I am in a science experiement of ants on your head.
Any who, the above two photos are of us getting my hair cut off yesterday. Norene in the photo with a flag shirt on has cut my hair since I was in 8th grade; there is of course Tom and my sister Terri. We shaved my head, tried my wig on and of course ate cake to celebrate just one more pain in the ass thing that comes when you are fighting cancer.
I told Norene it seems wrong that she has had to take me from prom hair to cancer hair but that is life I guess. And as my wonderful husband keeps telling me LIVING is the goal here so there rest is just the crap that goes with it. You can see why I love him more every day. Wig will be out soon but until then if you see me just pretend I just got paid millions to cut my hair for an up coming movie… it makes me feel rich and sexy instead of poor, fat, and cancery. (is cancery a word?)
Keep your prayers and laughter coming our way we love you all and all of your support is helping us get through this F'd up nightmare.
For those of you who are wondering where Bunny is, well he got nervous yesterday when we told him we were going to get a Hare Cut!!! so he declined the trip and will be returning soon for your enjoyment.
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