Monday, April 10, 2006


I am feeling fabulous today so I wanted to remind all of our loving friends and family members to remember to SPREAD the word MAMMOGRAMS SAVE LIVES AT ANY AGE. Tell every woman you know about me. Tell them to get a mammogram and make sure you get yours.

Mammograms are not just for women 40 and over. I turned 40 on 1/26/06 and was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer on 3/20/06. Needless to say that was my first mammogram. I found the lump and went in, praise God. Who knows what would have happened if my doctor had not sent me for a mammogram because I was 40. This time waiting would not have been good.

Keep the prayers and love coming our way. It is working like you would not believe. I feel strong and healthy and able to fight. It is because of my husband, my sister, my family and all of you wonderful people and oh yes let's not forget our two furry cats and my body double, Bunny.

All of our love to all of you