Yesterday was my 3rd chemo I have one more to go on 5/15 then two weeks later my lumpectomy and then radiation (?). We got some really great news yesterday our Oncologist. Dr. Stacy Lewis believes the tumor has now shrunk to 2cm x 1.5cm plus she think some of that size may only be scar tissue so the tumor may be even smaller. So keep those prayers for a miracle coming cuz it could still happen. She gave us some other great news we are hoping to qualify for a special radiation treatment that last only 7 days vs the daily trips for 6 weeks. We see a Radiologist Specialist soon to see if I qualify or not. We also see my surgeon next Monday to get my pre-op surgery work done and the date schedule. We will keep you updated. In celebration of this great news we thought our loved ones and friends should get to decide how I will be wearing my hair (or lack of hair) for the next 8-10 weeks. So here are three photos one al a carte, one with scarf, and one with my wig. You decide and let us know via email or phone. We would love to hear from all of you plus give me a break. I took these self photos this morning the day after chemo and I look like shit. We love you all and want to remind you and your loved ones to get mammograms. They save lives... not only because they can find something but because they can give your doctors a base line of what normal is for you so over the years you will know what is changing and what has been there for years without change. DON’T DELAY ANY LONGER !!!!

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