My last week as a princess!!!

Sorry I haven’t been posting recently but until last Sunday I really had not felt up to it. We walked on mothers day in the American Cancer Society Making Strides walk and I am proud to say our team made just over 400.00 for the walk. It was a great day to walk and I got to be on channel two new. Oh yes me in all of my glory. Thank God for good editing and kind hearts at the station to only show my face. Cuz Lord when they showed a group shot of us I can tell you TV must put 75 lbs on me cuz I looked huge. Any who my last chemo was on Monday….. hoooooraaaayyyyy for me. The bad news is this may be my last week as a princess. I have felt fairly good this time and with what all the doctors are telling us we are over the hill and well on our way down the back side of this ride. Supposedly surgery and six weeks of radiation shouldn’t slow me down at all. This week is filled with more doctor appointments and then hopefully surgery within the next two weeks and then radiation for 6 to follow. If God is kind to me I just might have some hair by August. Hooray for me. By the way many of you may have wondered what the heck has happened to bunny. Wellllll he has been in hiding. He didn’t really like the wig we got him when he lost his ears I keep telling him they look real but he doesn’t believe me so he has decided to ware a scarf exclusively until this is all over. What do you think?

We love all of you and can't thank you enough for your support and love. We would never have been able to get this far without you. Blessings and health to all of you and yours.
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