Thursday, June 01, 2006


Our surgeon thought I did so well on my last surgery she thought it would be a hoot to have me come back in for another round next Friday. Oh yes my friends it is true. We thought we were home free but Phyllis has thrown us a curve ball and we need to go back in one more time to get "cleaner" margins. For us non doctor types that means the glob they took out Tuesday was not scar tissue as first thought, but in fact it was a big mucus cancer glob (2.7 cm) which needs to have a 2mm cancer free zone around the edges to be considered "clean margins". On one side I have only 1mm free of cancer cells so they have to put me back under and take another mm.

I am sorry I didn't post info sooner but as many of you may have already heard we were thinking the news would only be good so I wanted to wait until we got the final word from our doctor. Ooops!

As all of you know this is has been a real learning experience for both Tom and me. The most recent thing we have learned and my friends you can take this to the bank. If your doctor tells you to phone the office to get pathology reports and when you call they tell you they can't find it, or it is isn't posted, or some BS like that hold on tight cuz it isn’t good news. The first time we called we were told this same BS and it was cancer. This time the exact same thing happened. When they can't find your info it is because they can't tell you the bad news the doctor has to.

The good news is my prognosis is still good and no different today then it was two days ago. I did my chemo, I will have the entire lump removed, and I am doing 6 weeks of radiation. Women who follow this treatment plan live long healthy lives and so will I.

My next surgery will be on 6/9 we think. Check back in with my blog after the 9th to see how it went. I don't have much to report these days except my days are filled with looking in my 10x magnifying mirror to see if I have new hair and watching Perry Mason for two hours a day. A girl has to stay busy you know.

Keep me in your prayers because this is far from over.

Love to all of you