Hair Hair We've Got Hair!!!!

Today is 8/17 just after midnight. After my radiation treatment today at 3PM I will have only 6 treatments left and I am done with this nightmare. Hip Hip Hooray Again!!!!!! I could not have done this without my loving husband and all of you. Thanks so much for your support and prayers.
I do not plan on posting much until after the big Race for the Cure on 9/17. So please forgive me. You know we are in training for the big 5K and that friends, is probably going to kill both of us. I will post some photos from us crossing the finish line and photos of Tammie's Angels Team. But then this blog baby is signing off. From that point on Breast Cancer will be a small stone in our shoe that we finally got out and nothing more. I will be just Tammie once again. I can't tell you all how much I look forward to just being Tammie.
We love you all and we hope to see you all at the Race on 9/17 either in it or at the finish line to witness Tom and me tearing our shirts off as we cross the finish line just like when they score a goal in soccer.... Oh yeah!!!!