WE DID IT!!!!!
Sunday September 17th was the Race for the Cure 5K run. I am proud to say our team had a great showing. Tom and I finished in 36 minutes an impressive 11.25 minute per mile. Our good friends Tracy and Tosha finished in front of us (they walked/ran the 5K faster than we ran it - crap! But they are both close to 6 feet tall so cut us a break). Ashley Allen finished an impressive 40 min and my sister Terri did it in 47 minutes. Terri is the most impressive to me because she has not run a mile in over 25 years let alone 3.2 miles and she didn't train at all. She put on a pair of my running shoes and said let's go. I guess that makes the rest of us not so impressive - huh?
Any who, the walking team was strong and made a good showing. I ran the 5K and then walked with my group. Mostly in spirit because only a few of us could find each other in the 45,000+ people. My companions on the walk Charlene Allen, Jan Huffman, and Don Martini made it easy for me to make the 3.2 trip all over again. It is easy to walk and chat - way easier than running.
We all met for lunch after and had a great time. Photos will be posted within a few days. The photos will be my last posting probably for a long while. If you want to know what’s going on you will have to call me or email me direct.
Thank you again for all of your support.
Love you all
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