Spring is finally here!
I am doing fabulous so stop reading this blog and get out and enjoy the sun.
I am doing fabulous so stop reading this blog and get out and enjoy the sun.
You heard me the 3cm x3cm tumor is shrinking. It is official now it is 2cm x 2.5 cm. They measured my boob lump with a fancy device called a tape measure. You know the kind you would use in sewing. Very hi-tech I know. But let's stay focused here. To quote a very famous person who who liked flying monkeys my cancer tumor is saying
I am feeling fabulous today so I wanted to remind all of our loving friends and family members to remember to SPREAD the word MAMMOGRAMS SAVE LIVES AT ANY AGE. Tell every woman you know about me. Tell them to get a mammogram and make sure you get yours.
Well, I pulled my big butt out of bed this morning and walked downtown across the Hawthorne Bridge to my client’s office. It was a fairly nice morning but still a little chilly. With my recent cold I thought it was best to keep my ears covered. So here I am a sad little chubby girl walking across the bridge at almost a stand still with my bright lime scarf around my head. I kept thinking I hope no one thinks I am Muslim. That’s bad of me I know but let’s face it, it is a tough time for a Muslim woman. Any who, once I got to the office I realized the soft fabric of my scarf created static and made my very short hair stand straight up. Oh yes did I look foxy if I do say so my darn self. That reminded me of the other day when we were in the doctors office we over heard a woman say Chemo is the anti vanity drug… well I believe that my friends. With every tingle of my scalp I think CRAP I am going to lose my hair. Yah, Yah, Yah some women don’t but shit my tumor was only a 10% chance it was cancer so I am not batting 1000 here. Tom and I are so F’N happy the cancer has not spread but if we get to re-vote we would vote no on all of this. In fact I want to know, did someone use those defective chads from Florida when we voted for my cancer. I demand a re-vote!!!!
I have a few minutes between coughing and passing out so I thought I would update the blog.
Well it wasn't kittens and puppies licking me all night but it wasn't as bad as those hang overs we have all had. I have learned my lesson really fast about Chemo. You don't want to eat crappy food like cheese bread and fondue. OK OK OK I get it I have to be healthy or I will feel like crap. Last night was a long night with just enough discomfort to keep me from sleeping but not enough to make me take all of the medicines they wanted me to. However I did finally call my doctor on call just to make sure I wasn't having a heart attack. They told me the medicine for my white blood cells might make my joints hurt, well it did. Many may not think of the sternum as a joint but after a brief discussion with the doc last night I was reminded that all of our ribs attach to our sternum and so we have 24 little joints right over our heart that might be affected (sorry Bob can't remember your lesson e or a) by this stuff. As always I am a high achiever so all 24 joints hurt like hell. I will also say that if you are thinking you are having a heart attach and you have just had 5 lymph nodes removed from your left arm and a cancer tumor in your left boob it might make it a little hard to know if the pain is radiating into your left arm or not. The good news is I watched all that late night TV until 4:00 AM I never get to see since we usually go to bed about 9:00 every night. Did you all know that Jay and Conan replay around 2:00AM.
We know you are all on pins and needles what the heck is going on with Phyllis you say. Well on Thursday we saw our surgeon and she said I was not crazy, my lump has shrunk some. Yes it is a miracle but no I don't get out of this that easy. She is not against the miracle theory but she said it may also be that when she punctured the cyst around the tumor it collapsed. So I guess you could say Phyllis had a big zit and once that was gone it seemed smaller. So on we go...
Yesterday I had my first surgery ever in my life. For those of you who may not have heard I went in to have a sentinel node biopsy performed to see if the cancer has spread. In the past they would perform this as they were removing the tumor in a lumpectomy but our team has decided in this case we wanted to know before I began chemo. It will help the Oncologist decide which chemo drugs I should get. Our hopes are it has not spread but either way my treatment will be 8 weeks of chemo 1 time every two weeks beginning on 4/4 and hopefully ending on 5/16. Which means some hair back by end of July. The results we are praying for is my tumor will shrink so small the lumpectomy will be minor and if we are really lucky it might disappear completely. If it goes away I will still have to have some tissue removed where it was but it will not be as much.
It went way easier than I had worried about. I guess you could say I was a surgery virgin... at least I could still say I was a virgin at something. Great now I don't even have that to brag about. Oh well at least I waited until I was married for this one. (Sorry Dad if you are reading this). I feel as well as can be expected my left arm pit is soar and my throat hurts just a smidge but for the most part I am good to go. Oh I did forget to mention in honor of Easter my left boob looks like it was dipped in blue food coloring. That is from the blue die they used to find my lymph node. The nurses and doctors were FANTASTICS!!. In fact when I woke up from my surgery my small bunny my sister had given me was on my chest with a surgical hat on and a bandage on just like me. (see photo above)
Since I don't want to be one of those tacky women who win an Oscar and don't give the proper thanks to their families here is the first of many. My husband Tom and my sister Terri are my strength and my comfort. In fact they were so comfortable they both fell asleep while we were in my pre surgery room. If you know how small these rooms are you will know how tough they had to be to get comfy enough to sleep for a couple of hours. Tom snuggled right up next to me in my small bed and Terri slept in the chair while I hung half my ass off the bed and watched TV. If we were not laughing about how they wanted to know if I could find some place else to wait so they would be more comfortable or laughing at the notes Tom wrote on the nurses dry erase board then I was bitching I didn't have any room. Yep, just like home. Laughing and bitching made the six hours fly by. Thanks to all of you who are praying for me and keeping me in your happy thoughts. We love all of you and are proud you are our friends and family.
Make sure to keep spreading the word- Ladies get your mammograms and men check your ladies lumps as often as you can find the time. One last thing, you don't have to sign up to comment on my blog. Just send me an email or call.